This years theme is described below and focused on newer technologies and developments in the energy market. As described in the introduction to the summit – technical, political and economic changes are reshaping the energy industry faster and more deeply than ever before. From fossil fuels to lithium ion batteries, every business has to deal with the daily reality or possibility of fundamental disruption. Energy sector investors have never faced such a complex environment.
At the same time, the companies in which they invest are learning to work with new kinds of investors and investment. Finally, the very notion of the “energy sector” itself is changing radically, as oil majors buy up strings of “new energy” businesses, and the whole industry converges with, and will increasingly be driven by, developments in other sectors, such as machine learning, real estate and transport. SEL ’s grid scale CAES technology was well suited for this year’s conference.
The conference was well attended with over 500 participants at the plenary sessions and over 100 at the individual panel sessions (one of which was attended by SEL). NAM kindly agreed to jointly present with SEL explaining the background to the NAM70 challenge and the transition taking place in the Netherlands. SEL followed this by showing how its CAES was ideally suited to help with this transition. Over 50 people joined this session and photographs from the conference are attached.