Thought Leadership Blog

CAES or Batteries: Which is Better? Many people have suggested that batteries are a viable way forward for grid-scale electricity storage, and …

As renewables are more widely adopted, how will they change utility companies’ business models? It depends which utility companies: those involved in …

What would a decarbonised energy system look like? There is no single answer or “magic bullet”, no “winning technology” for powering the …

Decarbonisation by 2040, where a country is run by 100% renewable energy, is a target for energy systems. If achieved by 2030, …

New Analysis This analysis is re-written in fundamental ways compared to the 2017 analysis, because the Future Energy Scenarios have changed markedly, …

Energy storage technologies span a diverse spectrum, each catering to specific duration and scalability requirements. Of the renewable energy storage options in …

All countries should seek to transform their electricity systems to renewables. They should do this with care; a hasty transition risks blackouts …