Thought Leadership Blog

Enabling renewables to power grids affordably, reliably and resiliently is necessary. Storelectric has identified a number of critical challenges renewables pose for …

Interconnectors in Europe The United Kingdom no longer has enough domestically generated electricity for its own peak needs, and relies on imports …

A Black Start is the process of independently restarting a power station or a section of the grid during a nation wide …

Since privatisation, UK energy contracts for major capital investment into infrastructure-scale plant and equipment that was not planned before privatisation have been …

Vehicle to Grid (V2G) and Shared Mobility are two of the big buzz-phrases people roll out in the transportation sector as magical …

I was recently asked: do renewable power plants impact the environment? Quite obviously the questioner was seeking to justify pursuing the fossil-fuelled …

Alternatives to CAES that provide arbitrage, balancing, ancillary, stability and other services include Demand Side Response (DSR), power stations, pumped hydro-electric stations, …

The role hydrogen plays will be significant in zero-carbon economies in the future. To achieve all this, electrolysis needs to get much …

Storelectric’s CAES plants are usually designed as stand-alone plants with stand-alone profits based on buying electricity from the grid and selling it …

Adiabatic vs Isothermal CAES

Adiabatic and isothermal CAES are two different processes which sometimes get confused. The way each process treats heat during the compression and …

Reports have claimed that baseload power is not necessary in Europe, only grid flexibility. The basis for this thinking is Germany, which …

The Energy Transition The energy transition to a zero-carbon economy is, quite correctly, seeing widespread roll-out of tens of GW of renewable …