Steps to Transform Electricity Systems to Renewables

All countries should seek to transform their electricity systems to renewables. They should do this with care; a hasty transition risks blackouts and price increases, discrediting renewable energy.

How countries can transform electricity systems responsibly

  • Identify sources and destinations of renewable energy, and upgrade the grid / build new lines and substation capacity / resilience accordingly
    • Include the electrification of heating, transportation and industry
  • Identify the longest period there will be with minimum low-carbon generation, then build storage accordingly:
    • Capacity (MW) is max demand, plus 10% capacity margin minus all dispatchable renewables
    • Volume (MWh) is total demand over this extreme weather period plus 10% minus all the generation we can 99% expect over the period
    • Duration will be a mix of short (demand side, batteries), medium and long, with the long being the full duration of the weather period plus 10% margin
    • The 10% margins are to allow for any of the back-up plant to fail in some way, or demand to reach extraordinary levels
  • Don’t rely on interconnectors because your neighbours’ times of system stress (high demand and/or low generation) will mostly coincide with yours
  • Build the storage in a balanced way (balanced by building very roughly proportionate amounts of each duration)
  • Create a legal definition of storage as ‘storage’, not as ‘generation’ or ‘consumption’: it generates no new electricity and is a grid service that moves electricity in time. With such a definition, contracts can be let for “storage services” of different types and groupings
  • Change the regulatory environment to encourage revenue stacking, and to favour low-carbon sources – one way of doing so is outlined in Storelectric’s proposal, A 21st Century Electricity System, in which capital investment, clean energy and the introduction of innovations are all incentivised without a penny of subsidy
  • Refuse to give in to the power of incumbents to threaten to cause blackouts by closing power stations prematurely: have contingency plans, and encourage the incumbents to invest in clean energy technologies
  • To transform electricity systems requires cross-party political support as it’s a 30-year program

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COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan

COP29 Key Outcomes

The 29th UN Climate Change Conference (COP29), held in Baku, Azerbaijan, concluded on 23rd November, 33 hours behind schedule. COP29 delivered noteworthy outcomes in some

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