Storelectric News & Press
Featured Press
February News: Balancing Costs Rise and Spanish Storage Target
Headlines 1. Balancing etc. Costs Exceed £100m in January 2. 20GW Storage by 2030 - Spanish Target 3. REA Energy Storage Steering Group 4. CAES in Brazil 5. Thought Leadership Blog - Calculating the Need for Storage
Storelectric New Year Reflections 2021
Headlines 1. Brexit and Storelectric 2. Low Inertia Grids 3. National Grid's Operability Strategy Report 4. Storelectric In the News 5. Thought Leadership Blog - National Grid is planning to spend ~£16bn
CAES with Hydrogen Patent Granted in the UK
Headlines 1. European Enterprise Awards winner 2. National Infrastructure Strategy 3. Renewables must have storage in Spain 4. Fads and Fallacies of the Energy Transition
October Newsletter: Arbitrage Pricing and Offshore Wind Growth
Headlines 1. Arbitrage Pricing 2. Offshore Wind Growth 3. National Grid's Winter Outlook Report 2020-21 4. Thought Leadership Blog - Interconnectors and Imports 5. Another Award - CorpToday
September News: Distributed ReStart Report, Project Development
Headlines 1. Storelectric Progress 2. Distributed ReStart: There Is a Better Way 3. Thought Leadership Blog - Issues with Ever-Shortening Contract Durations
August News: National Grid Report, Plant Planning, Lithium Supply
Headlines 1. Future Energy Scenarios 2020 2. Planning for Plants 3. Lithium Supply 4. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
July News: New Energy Storage Planning Laws
Headlines 1. Legislation Introduced: Storage Subject to Local Planning 2. European Project of Common Interest 3. Lockdown analysis updated again 4. MIT Study on Storage 5. Storelectric's Mailing List 6. Thought Leadership Blog - Vehicle to Grid and Shared Mobility
Storelectric Features in Energy Storage News
On 15th January 2020, Storelectric featured in Energy Storage News in an article which explained the part our technology can play in …
Developing Renewable Projects on Weak and Saturated Grids
Many large renewable generation projects and interconnectors are stalled because possible connections to grids are saturated or weak, making them ineffective. Before …
June News: National Grid Consultations, Storelectric’s Future
Headlines 1. Consultations 2. Storelectric's Future 3. The answer is binary. 4. Lockdown Article 5. Mailing List
Covid Lockdown: A Trial of 2030s ‘Summer Minimum’ Challenges
The coronavirus lockdown provided a trial run of the ‘summer minimum’ challenges of operating the grid when renewable generation is much higher …
Headlines 1. Investment and Activity Landscape 2. Hello Tomorrow Certification 3. I Mech E and University of Nottingham University: Our Scale of Storage is Necessary 4. Tallat Steps Back Temporarily