Thought Leadership Blog

Mark Howitt is Chief Technical Officer, a founding director of Storelectric. He leads Storelectric’s technical and operations, minimising technological risk, maximising efficiency and environmental friendliness, and speed to market. He focuses on technologically simple solutions using proven technologies wherever possible.

His degree was in Physics with Electronics. He has 12 years management and innovation consultancy experience world-wide. In a rail multinational, Mark developed three profitable and successful businesses: in commercialising a non-destructive technology he had innovated, in logistics and in equipment overhaul. In electronics manufacturing, he developed and introduced to the markets 5 product ranges and helped two businesses grow strategically.

Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (CCUS) and CCS The strategy for continuing to use gas-fired power stations to balance grids, and for …

Electric Vehicles (EVs) Batteries are the major technology being proposed for the decarbonisation of transportation, but not the right technology. It has …

There are many current issues facing the energy system which are challenging enough without confusing political challenges with regulatory ones. Too many political challenges are being given to regulators to sort out, which is grossly complicating matters for all parties.

Introduction It has been widely reported that grid balancing costs in the UK have doubled between September and November, which is concerning …

This report analyses the emissions benefits (avoided emissions) of Storelectric’s Green CAES and Hydrogen CAES plants. For Hydrogen CAES, a methane-fired version …

Hydrogen is an essential part of the Net Zero economy, so we support funding for developing its technologies. However it is not …

Summary of Findings The National Grid Future Energy Scenarios 2021 (NG’s FES 2021) is a small step forward on their 2020 document. …

The Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan is the UK government’s and Ofgem’s proposal to achieve Net Zero emissions in the energy system. …

This is Storelectric’s abridged response to the call for evidence on facilitating the deployment of large-scale and long-duration electricity storage. This call …

Excessive Costs of the Current System National Grid’s (NG’s) Network Options Analysis 2021 proposed ~£16bn grid reinforcement to accommodate ~17GW new offshore …

Offshore Energy Networks The subject here is how to regulate OFTOs (cables owned by Offshore Transmission Owners) so that (for example) they …

Throughout the energy transition, technology after technology has been lauded as “the big thing” of the energy transition, “the solution” to the …