Thought Leadership Blog

Mark Howitt is Chief Technical Officer, a founding director of Storelectric. He leads Storelectric’s technical and operations, minimising technological risk, maximising efficiency and environmental friendliness, and speed to market. He focuses on technologically simple solutions using proven technologies wherever possible.

His degree was in Physics with Electronics. He has 12 years management and innovation consultancy experience world-wide. In a rail multinational, Mark developed three profitable and successful businesses: in commercialising a non-destructive technology he had innovated, in logistics and in equipment overhaul. In electronics manufacturing, he developed and introduced to the markets 5 product ranges and helped two businesses grow strategically.

Introduction This analysis is re-written in fundamental ways as compared with the 2017 analysis, because the Future Energy Scenarios have changed markedly, …

There are, by my analysis, 5 scales of storage. Rising in factors of 10 in both scale and duration, they are domestic, …

Everyone should seek to transform their electricity system to a renewable one, in every region of the world, but not unthinkingly – …