Thought Leadership Blog

Mark Howitt is Chief Technical Officer, a founding director of Storelectric. He leads Storelectric’s technical and operations, minimising technological risk, maximising efficiency and environmental friendliness, and speed to market. He focuses on technologically simple solutions using proven technologies wherever possible.

His degree was in Physics with Electronics. He has 12 years management and innovation consultancy experience world-wide. In a rail multinational, Mark developed three profitable and successful businesses: in commercialising a non-destructive technology he had innovated, in logistics and in equipment overhaul. In electronics manufacturing, he developed and introduced to the markets 5 product ranges and helped two businesses grow strategically.

The role hydrogen plays will be significant in zero-carbon economies in the future. It can be stored at large scale, especially in …

Storelectric’s CAES plants are usually designed as stand-alone plants with stand-alone profits based on buying electricity from the grid and selling it …

Grid-scale electricity storage using an innovative form of Compressed Air Energy Storage When discussing adiabatic CAES, such as that proposed by Storelectric, …

Introduction The current regulatory and contractual framework is designed around a 20th century industry (baseload coal and nuclear, dispatchable gas, all other …

There have been a number of reports claiming that the German experience proves that what’s needed on the system is not baseload …

The Energy Transition The energy transition to a zero-carbon economy is, quite correctly, seeing widespread roll-out of tens of GW of renewable …

CAES or Batteries?

CAES or Batteries? Many people have suggested that batteries are a viable way forward for grid-scale electricity storage, and some have cast …

Conventional Energy There are two main disadvantages with conventional energy: pollution and concentration. Pollution is in many forms throughout the process. The …

This article considers the question: as renewables become adopted more, how will that change the utility companies’ business models? The answer is: …

What would such a system look like? A de-carbonised energy system would be built up of many diverse elements selected to be …

I was recently asked: do I truly care about climate change or not, and why? Yes, I care – enough to forego …

100% renewable energy is a target for the energy systems by 2040, though if it can be achieved by 2030 (which I …